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Is Monk Fruit Fermentable

Monk fruit is an Asian gourd, and it’s extremely sweet. Its extract is often used as a low-calorie sweetener. So, ready to brew a "lifestyle" beer?

While some have reported success using monk fruit sugar as a back-sweetener, it has yet to be readily embraced by brewers, possibly due to the fact it's said to be non-fermentable.

It’s tempting to think, from time to time, that there’s nothing new under the sun in the beer world—that it’s all been done, and now it’s just a matter of recycling and reinvention. Then you hear about something that truly never has been done before, not as far as you’ve ever heard.

When it comes to monk fruit—an Asian fruit whose extract is used for zero-calorie, artificial sweeteners—we are still in the earliest days. But a few brewers are using it as an ostensibly natural way to balance out lighter, bone-dry beers. We have learned what we could.

What Is Monk Fruit?

Monk fruit is a gourd, basically. Its Chinese name is luo han go. It is said to be incredibly sweet-tasting, and anywhere from a quarter to a third of it is sugar (mainly fructose and glucose). That sweetness is somehow intensified by mogrosides—molecules that bind sugars and can be extracted to make artificial sweeteners. During the extraction process, those mogrosides are separated from the sugars, but they remain sweet themselves. It has become a fashionable option in natural-food circles, propelled by the popularity of low-carb diets.

Was monk fruit on anyone’s radar before 2019? Not for many in the beer world—not yet. But when Nielsen consumer polling data in 2018 found that low-calorie monk-fruit sweeteners were on the rise, we should have guessed that someone in beer would look into it.

What does monk fruit sweetener taste like?

Monk fruit sweetener tastes sweet, but without the guilt of consuming sugar. It might have a slight to no aftertaste. It will mostly depend on the person. Some people say they do not have any aftertaste while some say there is. However, many monk fruit sweetener users say it has less aftertaste compared to other natural sweeteners they tried before.

Health benefits of monk fruit sweetener

Monk fruit sweeteners have many health benefits for health-conscious people. Here are a few:

Promotes weight loss

Monk fruit sweetener is up to 200 times sweeter than sugar, meaning you only need a little to sweeten your treats. Because you need so little, the effects of calories or carbohydrates are minimal. This makes monk fruit sweetener the best option for people on specific diets focused on weight management. 

Is Monk Fruit Fermentable

If you are on a strict calorie diet and are craving a sweet coffee or chocolate treat, this alternative sweetener can work for you. Adding monk fruit sweetener to your low-carb or keto lifestyle treats makes meal planning and enjoying yourself a whole lot easier. 

However, when you're looking for keto friendly snacks, check to make sure there are no added sugars in the ingredients. 

Bonus tip: read the ingredients listed in the brackets because although the food manufacturer did not add any sugars, their supplier may have, and as a result, they can still claim "No Added Sugar."

Has anti-inflammatory properties

In traditional Chinese medicine, monk fruits are used in treating colds, relieving sore throats, reducing phlegm, improving digestion, and more! They are commonly used as a natural sweetener for cold and hot drinks.

Safe for diabetics

The natural sweetness of monk fruit comes from a natural compound called mogrosides. Pure monk fruit sweetener contains zero fructose or glucose. Meaning, it’s a safe alternative for people with diabetes because it will not change blood sugar levels. 

Keep in mind, pure and natural monk sweeteners will not increase your blood sugar levels. However, some packaged monk fruit sweeteners on the market today may not be pure and can contain added sugar alcohols and different ingredients that might increase its calorie and carbohydrates counts and/or affect your blood sugar levels. 

As with any product, it is important to check the labels before consuming.

How will monk fruit sweetener help you?

Incorporating monk fruit sweetener into your treats, drinks, or food can help you lower your intake of sugar while providing you the satisfaction of something sweet. Not only will you enjoy the sweetness, but you’ll enjoy the added health benefits as well. 

Choosing a healthy diet and lifestyle by being mindful of the ingredients you consume can help you reduce your risk of illness and inflammation. Even if you don’t see a difference right away, over time these healthy lifestyle habits lead to achieving better health goals.

Is Monk Fruit Fermentable



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