Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes

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Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes

Jul. 09, 2022

Sweets are a source of pleasure for anyone, but for people with type 2 diabetes, it is necessary to control carbohydrate intake, including sugar. There are many sugar substitutes to choose from, but not all of them are calorie-free, and they all have different effects on blood sugar.
But even if you choose calorie-free sweeteners, it's important to enjoy sweet foods in moderation. This article, VIASWEET describes some sugar substitutes that are suitable for diabetics.

Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes



Stevioside is a sweetener derived from the leaves of the stevia plant, which is native to Central and South America. Stevia is commonly used as a sweetener in foods and beverages, and the FDA has approved the use of certain extracts of stevia that are generally considered safe.




This sweetener is ideal for people with type 2 diabetes. This is because Splenda is 600 times sweeter than sugar, but these little yellow packets have no effect on blood sugar. In addition, Splenda is minimally absorbed through the body. These properties have helped it become the most commonly used artificial sweetener in the world.


Sugar alcohols

Sugar alcohol sweeteners commonly used in desserts, candy and chewing gum include: xylitol, sorbitol, mannitol, and isomaltone sugar alcohol.
The FDA notes that while sugar alcohols are relatively low in calories and are more blood sugar friendly than carbohydrates, they may have a laxative effect.
Also, keep in mind that sugar alcohols do contain some carbohydrates and are nutritional sweeteners, so they can affect blood sugar levels.


Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes

Sweet 'N Low

According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, it was the first artificial sweetener, and chemists mistakenly discovered in 1879 that it was a derivative of coal tar. Rest assured, it is safe. Saccharin is now FDA approved. 



Erythritol is also a sugar alcohol sweetener, but unlike the other sweeteners just mentioned, the International Food Information Council Foundation states that it has less than 1 calorie per gram and does not have a significant effect on blood sugar levels. 
If other sugar alcohol sweeteners are giving you tummy trouble, this may be a better choice for you. It is less likely to produce gas, bloating and diarrhea produced by fermentation of intestinal bacteria.


Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes



Aspartame, sold in blue packets under the brand names Equal and NutraSweet, is a non-nutritive artificial sweetener that is 200 times sweeter than sugar. While not zero calories like some other artificial sweeteners, aspartame is still very low in calories. If you don't have PKU, aspartame is safe to consume.


Monk Fruit

This non-nutritive monk fruit sweetener is also known as rooibos fruit extract and rooibos extract and comes from a plant in southern China. According to the International Food Information Council Foundation and the FDA, the extract contains 0 calories per serving and is 150 to 200 times sweeter than sugar.


Sugar Substitutes for People with Diabetes



Allulose is a very low-calorie sweetener that occurs naturally in small amounts in wheat, raisins, dried figs, brown sugar, and molasses. Food and Drug Administration. The latest data show that allulose differs from other sugars because it is not metabolized by the body like table sugar, it has fewer calories, raises blood sugar or insulin levels only slightly, and does not promote tooth decay.


One last thing

As you can see, there are many artificial sweeteners available to help you reach your blood sugar goals. Your main goal should be to reduce all types of sweeteners in your diet so that you get used to the natural sweetness of foods. Contact us now to add a little calorie-free sweetness to your life.


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