What Are the Health Effects of Xylitol

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What Are the Health Effects of Xylitol

May. 24, 2022

Xylitol is a carbohydrate called sugar alcohol or polyol. They are water-soluble compounds that occur naturally in many fruits and vegetables. Xylitol is also produced commercially from birch bark and corn cobs and is used as a sweetener to replace the calories in carbohydrates and sugar. The refreshing sensation in the mouth when consumed makes xylitol a preferred ingredient in sugar-free gum and other oral health products such as mints, mouthwashes and toothpastes.

Use of xylitol

Xylitol is widely used as a sugar substitute and as a "sugar-free" gum, mints and other candies. However, sorbitol is the most commonly used sweetener in sugar-free gum because it is cheaper and easier to make into commercial products than xylitol.
As a medicine, xylitol is used to prevent middle ear infections (otitis media) in young children and as a sugar substitute for diabetics.
Xylitol is added to some chewing gum and other oral care products to prevent tooth decay and dry mouth.
Xylitol is sometimes included in tube feeding formulas as a source of energy.
Dog owners should be aware that xylitol can be toxic to dogs, even when consuming relatively small amounts of candy. If your dog has eaten a product containing xylitol, be sure to take your dog to the veterinarian immediately.


What Are the Health Effects of Xylitol

Sources of xylitol

Xylitol is found naturally in fruits and vegetables such as strawberries, raspberries, mushrooms and cauliflower. It is also found in other plant and agricultural materials such as birch bark and corn husks, which are sources of commercially produced xylitol that can be added to chewable multivitamins, chewing gum, hard candy, sugar-free gum and medications. It is also found in oral health products such as mints, lozenges and cough syrups.

Xylitol and health

Xylitol is chemically similar to sugar, but has fewer calories; while sugar contains about 4 calories per gram, xylitol has only 2.4 calories. Although it is lower in calories, xylitol is as sweet as sugar. This makes xylitol unique, as most sugar alcohols are not as sweet as sugar.


Xylitol is known to inhibit the growth of plaque and oral bacteria (Streptococcus pyogenes) in saliva. The action of chewing gum promotes the flow of saliva, which naturally protects the teeth from cavity-causing bacteria. Based on extensive scientific evidence, both the American Dental Association and the FDA have recognized the oral health benefits of xylitol. The use of xylitol-containing products (such as foods, gum, candy and toothpaste) that provide 1-20 grams of xylitol per day can significantly reduce tooth decay rates in adults and children.


What Are the Health Effects of Xylitol


Unlike sugar, xylitol is slowly and incompletely absorbed in the small intestine. This makes it and other sugar alcohols helpful for people with diabetes. Once absorbed, it can be used as energy with little or no insulin, which means little effect on blood sugar. Bacteria in the large intestine ferment any unabsorbed xylitol that passes through the small intestine. For those following a diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols, monitor the food sources of xylitol since it is a polyol. 


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