Erythritol, Effective Sweetener in the New Age

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Erythritol, Effective Sweetener in the New Age

Jun. 10, 2022

Sugar may satisfy your taste buds, but it can seriously damage your body and cause you to develop diabetes and/or gain weight. That's where the benefits of erythritol come in. Erythritol is a virtually calorie-free sugar alcohol that has been used as a sugar substitute for many years.
In this article you will learn what the valuable properties of erythritol are.


1. Anti-diabetic properties

Erythritol does not increase serum levels of glucose or insulin in the body, whereas the same dose of glucose will rapidly increase insulin levels within 30 minutes.
It also does not have any significant effect on serum levels of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol and free fatty acids.
Erythritol is safe to consume and in fact is a better choice for diabetics because over 90% of ingested erythritol is readily absorbed and excreted through the urine without degradation.


Erythritol, Effective Sweetener in the New Age


2. Prevents tooth decay

Erythritol inhibits the growth of oral bacteria, such as streptococci, which form biofilms on the teeth and cause tooth decay.
The inhibition of microbial growth leads to a decrease in acid production in the intestine. This keeps teeth from developing cavities and plaque.
Compared to other natural and synthetic sweeteners (such as xylitol, mannitol, sorbitol and sucralose), erythritol forms plaque for the longest time and is the mildest.
Because of these properties, dentists can use erythritol as a base in subgingival air polishing instead of traditional root scale removal in periodontal treatment.


3. Helps with weight loss

Sucrose has a detrimental effect on your weight and obesity. Most health enthusiasts and people trying to lose weight will stop consuming sugar and switch to artificial sweeteners if they can't go completely sugar-free.
Erythritol has a very low glycemic index (GI=0). Adding it to your drink, muffin or candy will reduce the accumulation of blood sugar that leads to weight gain.


Erythritol, Effective Sweetener in the New Age


4. Good for the intestinal tract

Since erythritol is a small four-carbon molecule, it is easily digested in your intestines. In addition, because it has a very low glycemic index, it will be digested slowly and almost completely.
This is why acidity and flatulence are less when you take about 50 g/kg of erythritol, whereas other sweeteners cause nausea and diarrhea when consumed at 20-30 g/kg.


5. Antioxidant activity

Erythritol is an excellent free radical scavenger. The sugar alcohol forms erythritol and erythrulose, which are excreted in the urine.
It specifically scavenges hydroxyl radicals, which can protect your body from cardiovascular damage, diseases caused by high blood sugar and lipid peroxidation.
Erythritol prevents the development of diseases such as constipation, kidney failure, hypercholesterolemia, acidity, ulcers and Crohn's disease, and protects the organ systems with which it comes into contact.


Erythritol, Effective Sweetener in the New Age

Where do you get erythritol?

Erythritol is found in fruits and vegetables. However, extraction from these natural sources is not feasible as they contain only trace amounts of erythritol. Erythritol is generally considered safe when used in food (GRAS) and is well absorbed by your small intestine. For higher quality erythritol, you can now contact us for a list of our products and a quote.

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